The new TTR process introduces the so-called Capacity Needs Announcement (hereafter CNA) process. This allows Applicants to communicate their anticipated capacity needs within the railway networks. CNAs should serve in the future as key market input for IMs to create reliable Capacity Models, Capacity Supply and may, where applicable, also be used for the future process for selected significant Temporary Capacity Restrictions.
In spring 2022, FTE RUs took the initiative and executed the first RU-only pilot for CNAs (pilot report). This was followed by a launch of a joint IM-RU pilot in autumn 2022Yearly CNA pilots in a certain scope and form have since been conducted to generate learnings before the full roll-out of the process, expected under the proposed Regulation on the Use of Railway Infrastructure Capacity). The European Capacity Management Tool (ECMT) by RNE is used for these pilots.
Information about pilot TT2027
The pilot for TT2027 was launched in the Kick-off meeting on 10 October 2024 (see more details in the presentation). RUs/applicants now have the possibility to submit their CNAs via ECMT until 16 December 2024.
The FTE office recommends:
Submit only a limited number of CNAs (2-3 new or changing concepts) to optimise effort/benefits.
Verify the geographical scope (slide 17: NL, BE, FR, ES, AT, SI, HU, RO, SK) before deciding on your CNAs. Only some IMs process CNAs, focusing on lines in their Capacity Strategies 2027 (link). Contact the participating IMs for more details.
Submit CNAs from origin to destination, not just to the IM-IM handover point. CNAs may leave the territory indicated in the pilot scope; however, you should not expect any activity from the non-participating IMs.
Relevant deadlines:
21 October 2024: IMs invite Applicants to submit CNAs via ECMT
16 December 2024: Last day for Applicants to submit CNAs via ECMT
3 February 2025: Notification of Applicants via ECMT about the results of the IM (not implemented by all IMs – depending on implementation scope)
10 March 2025: Deadline for applicants to decide on alternative CNA options for TT2027
How to submit a CNA?
The Applicants can submit CNAs via the software of RNE, ‘European Capacity Management Tool’ (ECMT). The CNA function is already deployed there, however, note that especially the CNA-harmonisation module is still in the testing period, and FTE RUs are still reporting issues/bugs. Create CNAs directly in the tool (recommended, menu: data → CNA → add CNA) or import them via excel structure (menu: help → import sheets)
Request your account and access ECMT:
The CNAs are also available in test/staging environment, which you can use to get familiar with the tool:
Training materials and videos:
Further documentation:
Bugs and further questions relevant to the usage of ECMT can be sent to support.ecmt (at sign) For process/scope/progress relevant questions contact the respective IMs: