Forum Train Europe established several working groups and task forces to create, test and implement TTR, most of them are joint groups with the RNE and IMs/ABs. Each FTE member can nominate a representative(s) to the respective groups and influence the future capacity management in Europe. The currently active TTR groups are described below.
TTR RU Core Team
The sounding board for RUs of FTE. The Core Team meets twice per month, participants receive continuously the most recent update on the TTR programme, the participants influence the programme management, provide feedback on various issues, and each participant can bring new topics to the table to be tackled.
TTR Process Group
The joint RU/IM group drafts the future TTR process and debates the open process points raised by other TTR projects. This is the group where the TTR process description, TTR handbooks and guidelines have their origin.
Allocation Rules Task Force
A temporary task force set up to define future harmonised European framework for allocation principles, they should be applied in cases when the capacity needs exceed the available capacity in the defined period. This group feeds into the TTR Process Group.
The group outlines the European Capacity Needs Announcement (CNA) processes (new important process for RUs starting from 2022) and business requirements for the relevant IT. The group also coordinates the CNA implementation and the FTE CNA pilot.
TTR Legal Framework Task Force
The task force discusses legal issues related to TTR and tries to find pragmatic ways how to implement TTR without significant changes in the European law. This group is done in strong cooperation and with the support of CIT.
Commercial Conditions Group
The group influences and negotiates the future harmonised European framework for commercial conditions. The aim is to create transparent and effective financial incentives (for path modifications, path alterations, path withdrawals and path cancellations) to stabilise timetables. The organisation of this group is pending due to ongoing negotiations with RNE.
Moreover, some of the TTR topics are also tackled in other relevant FTE groups as for instance: FTE CNA WG, FTE – ERFA TCR WG, FTE WG Passenger/Freight.